Wednesday, August 15, 2007

After our daughter was born.....

After our daughter was born we both worked but it was always my responsiblity to be something more.... I went to the University full time and took the kids to school in the morning while working full time. I was exhausted but my mother in law watched the kids one night a week so I got time with my husband, but lord knows what he was really doing during all those times since I was so trusting I didn't check at all. Then the loser got fired and couldn't find another job. I went in the military as an officer after I finished my degree because I knew I could put food on the table and a roof over our heads. When I went to training he signed his rights to his son away, (his son was 6 at this point) she wanted to fight him visiting at the base and my husband was tired of court and drama so instead of dealing with it he quit. I lost my son because as a step-mother I have no rights even though I was there since he was born. I was angry about this and moved with my daughter alone to our new base. He finally followed because he begged and said he thought it was the right thing to do for everyone involved.

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